You create your own custom set of plots, you would first create the Figure object and then add as many subplots as you need for your diagram

True False That is true! Matplotlib gives us fine grained access to subplots and the type of diagram that can go in every subplot and many other individual settings which are not possible with higher level diagramming tools

Assume 'plt' is the alias for Matplotlib then to create a Figure object you would invoke..

fig = plt.figure() plt.plot() plt.getfigure() plt.figure() returns a Figure object

Assume 'fig' is the Figure object then you can add multiple subplots to this Figure by invoking...

fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(row, column, position) Yes, the row and column information provides the number of rows and columns values for subplots layout and the subplot that is added in this statement will occupy the place based on the position


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