Spark SQL

Spark SQL is a module that is built on top of Spark Core for structured data processing. Traditionally analytics was dealt using SQL. With Hadoop, it shifted to knowing Java programming which was not a comfort zone for traditional analysts who were savvy with SQL. So Spark SQL was a necessary add-on for spark and has become quite popular: 2/3rd's of Databricks Cloud (a hosted service running Spark) customers use Spark SQL

In Spark SQL, data is described as a DataFrame with rows, columns and a schema. Data manipulation in Spark SQL is available via SQL queries, the DataFrames API You can not only use SQL on RDD but also access other relational tables using Spark SQL

Reference: A comparative study of using RDD vs SparkSQL vs Spark DataFrame

Spark SQL:

Cheat Sheet for Spark DataFrame API

Description Example Function Def
spark session spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").getOrCreate() SparkSession.builder.master(url)
distributed computing can be initiated after getting a session object. local represents [master]( connection to local spark instance and can be replaced with any other url connection for a spark cluster
read local json file into a dataframe df ="examples/customers.json")
use the session object to read a json file to create a dataframe. This example reads from local file system. Replace 'json' with 'csv' to read a csv file
read hdfs csv file into a dataframe df ="hdfs://examples/customers.csv")
expects a file called customers.csv in the examples folder on hdfs and returns a dataframe. If the values are separated other than comma use keyword argument 'sep'. e.g., sep=" " to process space seperated values.
summary statistics df.describe()
returns summary statistics on numerical columns
print rows
by default prints the top 20 rows. To get specific number use show(n) where n=numer of rows to display
rename a column df.withColumnRenamed('oldname', 'newname') df.withColumnRenamed(existing, new)
rename just one column using this expression
drop duplicates df.drop_duplicates()
drops duplicate records
change column labels df.toDF('col1','col2') toDF(*cols)
returns a new dataframe with the new specified labels. The number of arguments should match the existing columns
derive or replace column df.withColumn('colName', df.col2) withColumn(str, ColumnObject)
if colName already exists it replaces the values with col2 else adds a new column. Typically the second argument is an expression like df.col2 * 10 where the values in col2 is multiplied by 10 and that value is set in 'colName'
get first row as row object df.head() head(n=None)
by default returns the first row of the df as a Row object. If the optional number is given, it returns that many rows as a list of Row objects
get last row as row object df.tail(1) tail(num)
this needs the argument which specifies how many rows to get as Row objects from the last
get some columns as a df['col1','col2']) select(*cols)
returns a new dataframe with col1 and col2 only. however select can also take '*' which returns all columns or a Column object as well
get column object df['col1'] or df.col1
can apply expressions on this object. Reference
get datatype of columns df.printSchema() or df.dtypes
prints the datatype of all columns
fill na for all na values df.fillna(value) fillna(value, subset=None)
value can be int, float, string, boolean or dictionary. If the column does not support that datatype, it is simply ignored. If value is a dictionary see example below
fill na for specific columns df.fillna({'col1':100, 'col2':false})
in this case it will only address col1 and col2 with the given values in the dict
fill na alternative way
this is same as fillna
group by df.groupby('col1') alias groupBy groupby(*cols)
returns GroupedData object
filter rows df.filter(df.commercial_building == 'Yes').show() filer(condition) alias where
Returns a dataframe applying the given condition
spark context sc = spark.sparkContext sparkSession.sparkContext
Using Spark Session, you can get the handle on Spark Context

Cheat Sheet for GroupedData functions

gd is the GroupedData object obtained when groupby is run on a dataframe

Functionality Definition Example Description
find total count count() gd.count().show() counts the number of records for each group and returns a dataframe
compute aggregates agg(*exprs) gd.agg({'price':'max', 'lon':'max'}).show() returns a dataframe. 'exprs' is a dict mapping from column name (string) to aggregate functions (string), or a list of Column.aggregates. built in functions are avg, max, min, sum, count
sum numerical columns sum(*cols) gd.sum().show() returns a dataframe by calculating the sum of all numerical columns. Non numerical columns are ignored
max value in numerical columns max(*cols) gd.max().show() returns a dataframe by finding the max value of all numerical columns. Non numerical columns are ignored
min value in numerical columns min(*cols) gd.min().show() returns a dataframe by finding the min value of all numerical columns. Non numerical columns are ignored
average value in numerical columns avg(*cols) gd.avg().show() returns a dataframe by finding the mean value of all numerical columns. Non numerical columns are ignored


Pandas API on Spark

Recently, Pandas API on Spark was released which enables you to convert your Pandas DataFrame to pandas-on-Spark DataFrame and thereby make use of distributed computing. Although in many situations you have to make some settings and/or code adjustments to get it working in Spark, it is still the best option you have when you need to run your Pandas Dataframe on Spark.


Colab Example

results matching ""

    No results matching ""