
A string is assigned to a variable
a = 'Amazing'
Which expressions will let you print the second character 'm' of this String

a[2] a[1] a[0] a[-6] Index numbers start with 0.

A string is assigned to a variable
a = 'Amazing'
Which expression will get you the characters from position 0 to index of 'z', including 'z'

a[0:a.find("z")+1] a[0:a.find("z")-1] a[0:3] a[:4] a[0:4]

A string is assigned to a variable
a = 'Amazing'
You wrote an expression to find if the given string has a substring 'zing'
This expression returns the -

index number 3 where it found the substring zing index number 4 where it found the substring zing returns the substring zing None of the above

A string is assigned to a variable
a = 'amazing'
You wrote an expression to capitalize this string
This will print -

amazing Amazing None of the above This method returns a new string with the first letter in uppercase. The String 'a' is not changed

A string is assigned to a variable
a = 'amazing'
You wrote an expression to find its length
This will print -

7 6 1

What is the result of evaluating this expression
'amazing'.count('a', 1)

1 2 0 Since the start position 1 is given, it counts the number of 'a' from index position 1

What is the result of evaluating this expression
'amazing'.count('a', 0, 2)

1 2 0 Since the start position 0 and the end position 2 is given, it counts the number of 'a' from index position 1 to index position 2, excluding 2

Study the code below
pi = 3.141592653589793
b = '{:.3f}'.format(pi)
What is the output of the print statement?

3.142 0.142 003.14 Output is restricted to 3 decimal points due to using '.3f'. Digits before the decimal point are untouched.

Study the code below
pi = 3.141592653589793
b = '{:.3f}'.format(pi)
What is the data type of 'b'?

str int bool Format function converts a numeric value to a String

Study the code below
t1 = (5, 8)
t2 = (10,15)
d = 'X: {0[0]}; Y: {1[1]}'
d.format(t1, t2)
What is the output?

'X: 5; Y: 15' 'X: 5; Y: 8' 'X: 5; Y: 10' Follow the index positions of the arguments passed in to find the correct output

What is output of the given expression?

Error '314159' '314159.0' Missing quotes for the formatter expression. So the error

What is output of the given expression?
'{1:}{0}'.format('B', 10)

10B 10:B B10


results matching ""

    No results matching ""